Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"It's never too late!"

Yesterday was a busy day for me. At 10am, I went to our Mom's bible study @ Highland and our entire study has gone along with the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. An easy read about the love of the Lord and experiencing His love for us and sharing with others. As we discussed, the last two chapters spoke about the many "Christian heroes" in our world and what they are doing for the God's kingdom. So many elaborate testamonies. I believe with all my heart that God wants to use each one of us, individually and creatively, for His glory. Whether that be, going on missions to Africa or India and sharing the gospel with people who may not know or living out of our vehicle and using every bit of the money we are blessed with to feed other homeless people. I may never be able to go over seas to spread the gospel but I can do it right here in my hometown. It's never too late to do God's work!
Later that afternoon, I began to get myself and Grant ready to go to my Dad's GED graduation. First, let me just say how SUPER proud I am of my Dad for graduating and getting his GED to further himself. He received an academic award as well. What an accomplishment! It's never too late to go back and do what needs to be done!
Following graduation, we (my dad, brother, Grant and I) went out to eat to celebrate. We had a good fellowship and I couldn't express in words the love we shared amongst each other. We got ready to leave and I was taking my brother home when we began talking about what's new with him and going on in his life. My brother proceeded to tell me he was depressed and struggling with alot right now and didn't understand what was going on with him. To those of you that don't know, I'm a mother-hen when it comes to my brother. Immediately, I asked him to explain what he was feeling and why he feels he's so depressed. He told me that he's been going to church and he felt like the Lord had been speaking to him and dealing with his heart. I then asked if he was a Christian and he replied, I don't know. I shared with him my testimony and scriptures about salvation and how you become a Christian and asked if he felt this was what God has been speaking to him about. He told me that one Sunday at church everything in him wanted to go down to the front during the invitation and get things right with the Lord but there was a voice inside of him holding him back and telling him not to. I then explained that first, the wanting to get things right with God was the Holy Spirit convicting him and the Lord calling him and second, the voice telling him not to go was Satan trying to take control of the situation. He then told me that he wanted to be saved and begin his life living for the Lord.
To be completely honest, this was out of my comfort zone. I had no idea how to lead someone to Christ, let alone my brother, and I was just praying for God to speak to Travis thru me. That it would be His words, not mine. I then asked Travis if he was ready to give his life over and surrender all the God and he said yes. So then we prayed and he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, right there in my car! Talk about the Lord working whenever, wherever! He will be sharing with others in his church about what God has done in his life and following in believers baptism soon. I am over the moon happy for my brother and for the work that God is doing in his life and mine as well. You don't have to get saved in a church for it to be real; you can get saved anywhere, anytime! If any of you are feeling the same tugging on your heart and you feel like God is calling you to be saved and live your life for Him, then I encourage you to not wait another second. Get down on your knees, surrendering all that you are, acknowledging that you are a sinner, believing that God is who He says He is and knowing without a doubt Jesus is His Son and died on the cross for you, and confessing your sins before Him and repenting from those sins and asking God to forgive you and save you. And then, go out and yell it to the top of your lungs that you are now a believer and have been saved by the Almighty God!! I'll be the first to tell you, you're life will never EVER be the same! It's never too late to receive the free gift of God, SALVATION! Praying for each one of you! Blessings :)

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying reading your blog.
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    Hope you get well soon.
